Town Hall Meeting这种会议形式为什么叫 town hall?


Town hall 是什么?

字面看是“镇厅”,意思也就是这样,原本指一个城镇的政府所在地。City hall就是市政厅,town hall 跟 city hall区别不大,有时候可以作为同义词互换。

Town hall 也叫 municipal building.

It is the chief administrative building of a city town, or other municipality. It usually houses the city or town council, its associated departments, and their employees.

在北美,尤其美国,政客每到竞选季就四处巡回演讲自己的施政纲领,目的是拉选票。这种形式的聚会就是 town hall meeting最早的模样和用途。

就是 A way for local and national politicians to meet with theirconstituents(选民)。

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外企的 town hall meeting一般有三个目的:

1.Management to keep their team up to date on important information 管理层宣布重要信息(例如公司业绩等);

2.The team to ask questions of management and give their feedback 员工向管理层提问;

3.Everyone to understand the goals and values of the organization 使全员理解公司的目标和价值观,强化企业文化。

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以上就是 town hall meeting的由来和作用,town hall meeting 也叫 all-hands meeting 或 all-staff meeting,在中国一般叫员工大会或者全员大会。
